JUN 200 MILE SUPRA was modified as fastest car on a street.
It has comfortable equipment of an air-conditioner, an audio, etc and all are almost tuned up, the inside of engine, footwork, etc.
JUN 3.2L custom kit, a cam shaft kit, GT surge tank, etc. are used for engine.
This car uses TRUST T88 turbine and maximum output is over 900PS.
The torque obtained from the engine of large displacement(3.2L) is very large.
In spite of having equipped with the big turbine, mighty torque is generated from a low-speed range and high response.
Specification change was repeated several times with footwork, the brake, etc., and the running level was raised.
In this summer, JUN 200MILE SUPRA is going to participate in the
BONNEVILLE NATIONAL SPEED TRIALS which is held at the Salt Lake City in USA. We are modifying the JUN 200MILE SUPRA in order to succeed above the 400km/h
ストリートで最速となるべく製作された、JUN 200 MILE SUPRA。エアコン、オーディオなどの快適装備は残しつつもエンジン内部や足回りなど至る所に手が加えられている。
現在、200 MILE SUPRAは今夏にアメリカのソルトレイクシティで行われる最高速イベント
ボンネビルスピードトライアルへ挑戦するためJUN AKIRA SUPRAとしてモデファイされている。目標は400km/hオーバーとしクラスレコード更新が期待される。