[REPORT 2] Modifying JUN AKIRA SUPRA(2) [REPORT 2] モディファイが進む JUN AKIRA SUPRA (2)

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[photo1] Complete bumper without color.
[写真1] あとは塗って付けるだけのフロントバンパースポイラー

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[photo2] Temporary attachment of rear bumper.
[写真2] 仮組中のリアバンパー

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[photo3] Rising aslant straight muffler.
[写真3] 斜めに立ち上がる直管マフラー

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[photo4] ZEAL SPL and small brake rotor.
[写真4] ZEAL SPL と小型のブレーキローター

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[photo5] Some meters and switches.
[写真5] メーターとスイッチのオンパレード

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[photo6] A large capacity fuel tank(120L) and some collectors.
[写真6] 120Lの大容量燃料タンクとコレクター

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[photo7] A big intercooler placed quite ahead.
[写真7] 大きく前にせり出した巨大インタークーラー

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[photo8] Artistic pipe layout.
[写真8] 芸術的な曲線で配管
The work has been in progress since the last report. The form of JUN AKIRA SUPRA is gradually appearing in sight. Here is the second report.

Bumper has been completed
The front bumper has been completed, which was waiting for the paint and attachment last week. The front duct was miniaturized in consideration of air resistance. The duct had only about 1/3 area of the intercooler core but it had internal structure with 3 dividing board in order to take air for the turbine-air-intake and intercooler. In order to obtain a low-temperature run wind from near surface of the earth, the duct was set to the lower position.[Photo1]
前回は仮組みでパテの乗っている状態であったフロントバンパーの成形が終了し、塗装と取り付けを待つのみの状態に至った。空気抵抗を考慮し小型化したフロントダクトはインタークーラーコアの 1/3程度の面積しか持たないため、内部を3分割する仕切り板を設けタービンのエアインテークとインタークーラーへ効率よく走行風を導く工夫を凝らした形状とした。また、地表付近のより低温の走行風を得るため、ダクトをより低い位置へと設定した。[写真1]

Fitting a temporary attachment of rear bumper
The rear bumper has been completed with a temporary attachment. We used the processed normal bumper. There are various processing devices for challenging the BONNEVILLE. [Photo2]
The muffler (90mm diameter) was prolonged toward the bumper along the flat panel and bottom of differential gear in order to attach the flat panel. [Photo3]

Special Suspension for BONNEVILLE.
Footwork is used ZEAL SUPER FANCTION(high speed spec). The stability at the high speed running is also considered by increasing caster angle. [Photo4]
A brake was miniaturized than the circuit spec, and brake pads were used G2 (produced by D.speed).
足回りは ZEALスーパーファンクションの最高速スペシャルを使用。フロントのキャスター角増大など高速走行時の安定性向上へ向けモディファイを施した。[写真4]
また、サーキット走行時よりブレーキを小型化し、パッドは D.speed の G2をチョイス。

In the cockpit, there are many special types of equipments.
We considered the driving condition in the BONNEVILLE, and so cockpit was ready to have a boost meter and an A/F meter in order to do resetting. The special equipments (a digestive organ switch, window net, and parachute lever in the position of a room mirror) can be called as a proof of BONNEVILLE challenge car. [Photo5]
Although we have mentioned last report, a large capacity fuel tank(120L), a collector, and a fuel pump were finally placed in the trunk room. They were powerful impression indeed. [Photo6]
現地での走行状態を把握し、リセッティングを行うため、室内にもブーストメーターと A/Fメーターを追加するなどの変更を行った。更に、シフトレバー後方に見える赤い消化器スイッチや写真左手のウィンドネット、写真では解りにくいがルームミラー位置へ装着されるパラシュートレバーなどの特種装備がボンネビル挑戦車の証と言える。[写真5]
また、前回も紹介したが、リアトランク内には 120Lの大容量燃料タンクとコレクタ、燃料ポンプが鎮座し、異様な迫力を醸し出す。[写真6]

The engine would be started soon.
The engine, which had pipe layout the pipe from a turbine along the upper part of a cam cover, can be started soon. A big intercooler was placed front and a big crank pulley represented BONNEVILLE specification. We had also considered about water supply by large capacity radiator. [Photo7] [Photo8]
エンジンのカムカバー上部をかすめるように走るタービンからのパイピングが目を引くエンジンもあと少しで火が入る状態にまで漕ぎ着けた。かなり前方に置かれた大型インタークーラーや大型のクランクプーリーなどボンネビル仕様の変更点が写真からも窺える。また、大容量ラヂエータ装着など水回りへの対策も施した。[写真7] [写真8]

There was a little time to bring the parts from Japan so we were modifying with all things that we have in a hurry. In the next report, we will send the complete figure of JUN AKIRA SUPRA to you all. Don't miss it!
船積みまでに残された時間があと僅かとなり、車両製作陣も更に気合いを入れ作業の追い込みにかかっている状態です。次回のレポートでは完成した JUN AKIRA Supra の姿をお届けできると思いますので、ご期待下さい。

6 July 2001

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